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4 Tips for Child Protection at Home

03/22/2014 Back To Blog

4 Tips for Child Protection at HomeIf you could observe the decoration of most houses in California, you would realize that most households hold many small or big objects that can easily become the cause of domestic accidents. There are lots of detergents or other chemical substances, knives, tiny things that kids could swallow or even personal papers, which are important for our work, but kids cannot understand their value. At the same time, there are many house lockout incidences in Sherman Oaks with kids locked inside the house alone or in a car and these may have serious consequences to their integrity.

Remove the key from the bathroom door

Bathrooms are usually small rooms with hard surfaces and dangerous materials and, as a consequence, many accidents take place in there. In this case, a locked bathroom can deny you access when your kids may cry out for help and each second counts. Remember that accidents can happen to even older kids and, for this reason, you must explain them the dangers and ensure them that you will respect their privacy, but the door locks should not be used.

Keep the keys out of their reach

It’s nice to have a permanent place, where you can keep all the family keys, but this place must be above your children’s height and out of their reach. Don’t relax because you have installed security door locks because children can be very inventive, especially when they have the keys in their hands. You must never leave the keys on the door either since it would be easy to find yourself locked out of the house with the baby kid inside and no way to put a spare key your neighbor keeps in the lock.

Kids and pets must be watched at all times

The car lockout is a terrible experience, but you can manage if you are on your own. Though, when the baby is locked inside the vehicle and the ignition car key is on the engine, this could turn into a tragedy. This is one of the worst nightmares a parent can go through, so you must never leave your kids or pets alone inside the car or house, not even for a few seconds.

Children eat shiny things and jewelry shine

Many people neglect to fix the cabinet locks. In fact, most of them don’t know the meaning of lock repair since forever. The irony is that we keep small or dangerous stuff away from our kids in these cabinets, but we never take care of the locks. It would be wise to check the condition of all your drawers and cabinets and have the locks replaced as soon as possible.

When the kids are old enough to play in the front yard on their own, you should make sure there are reliable locks on the driveway gate and the garage door as well in order to protect them effectively from all dangers that hide in and around the house.

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